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Valuable Benefit Solutions and the BlueCard National Provider Network

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Blue Solutions Administrator: A South Carolina-based Third Party Administrator

Blue Solutions Administrator (BSA) is the only South Carolina-based third party benefits administrator (TPA) offering the exceptional performance and savings of the BlueCard National Provider Network. BSA caters to the self-funded market by covering and serving employees who live, work or play anywhere in the country.

Our clients partner with us, trusting BSA to deliver on all fronts of employee benefit administration: a superior network, solutions that drive savings, tools to better navigate, and exceptional service support.

Learn what a BSA partnership can offer you.

South Carolina business is evolving

BSA offers integrated solutions to help your benefits evolve. A partnership with BSA allows you to collaborate, navigate and simplify the benefit administration process.

BlueCard® National Provider Network

  • Strongest nationwide PPO network averaging 96% claims paid in-network
  • $24 PMPM savings over competitors1, averaging 5-9% total lower cost in care over competitors2
  • Delivering 10% total cost of care savings over other industry PPO's3

Integrated Solutions

  • Pharmacy Benefit Management
  • Health Management Standard Clinical Package included. Advanced Clinical Packages available
  • Plan design options optimizing automation and plan performance
  • Solutions flexibility targeting distinct needs
  • Value added discount programs

Tools + Support

  • PAI Analytics Reporting to benchmark performance, better manage decision-making, and drive plan outcomes
  • My Health Toolkit desktop for Employers and Members
  • Mobile App because people are on the go
  • Personal service and support team, averaging 17 years of experience

PMPM savings vs. competitor average based on national consulting firm CY2018 benchmark data weighted by national census. PMPM savings averages vary by customer. TCOC advantage vs. national competitors as determined by a leading national consulting firm based on calendar year 2018 TCOC data. 

2Savings based on new BCBS customer vs. competitor average, weighted by national census-ANational Consulting Firm CY17 benchmark data

3Total cost of care savings based on Consortium Health Plans analysis, 2019. Savings are on average and assume 100%. 

Because we are in several states, the continuity and familiarity with the BCBS network (BlueCard National Provider Network) is invaluable for our employees.

Our Account Executive is fantastic, very knowledgeable and extremely responsive as our point person for any questions or issues that may arise.

Blue Solutions Administrator’s customer service team is exceptional! Claims are processed on a very timely manner and best of all, we and our employees, receive prompt resolution to issues."

John Crawford The GEL Group, HR Director

Reach out to us to see what a BSA partnership can offer you.

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